Build 13

05-15-2004 09:36:03
Build 13 of the web site has been posted.  This build includes new featuers and bug fixes.

  • New admin screen to manage the mailing lists
  • Fixed misspelling of Album
  • Fixed image search screen so it can operate on more results.
  • Can now collapse an image album down to one page, or uniformly distribute all images in an album across N pages.
  • Image slideshow! View new images, albums, and all images for a user in a slideshow!
  • (dev) Added CreateEditBasePage for dual create/edit pages. Refactored existing pages
  • Refactoring for displaying images, reducing code for displaying images direct/through asp.net
  • New section for sharing favorite links! For all users.
  • New image albums now appear first in the list of albums, rather than last.
  • Ensured that all images have alternate text displayed.
  • New feature to send an image via email to your friends and family!
  • Bug - deleting an image that was the featured image of an album blew up nicely
  • New feature - 'Share picture email' - Allow you to easily mail a link & a message to your friends!
Posted on January/08/2005 05:28:11 by ehoffmann
Categories: Build Notes