
(Build22.1 - drakehoffmann.com only) - 1/10/07
- Adding page output caching to DrakeHoffmann.com pages (home, popup)

(Build22.2 - ekhweb.com only) - 1/11/07
- Bug Fix: Could not upload pictures
- Change: Images now saved with original filename where possible
- Change: Images now uploaded to a subfolder with name based on login name, not guid.

(Build22.3 - ekhweb.com, common config - 1/13/07 )
- Updated image pathing to handle local web site projects better (QVCS IDE integration issue)
- Updates image urls to be rooted off of images.ekhweb.com
- Updated to retain original filename whenever possible for images/files
- Updated to not use webID for path naming; rather use user logonname & date for pattern.

(Build 23 - 1/18/07)
- Added option to keep yourself logged in on the current computer
- Home page, events for date, removed annoying popup
- Updated contact info on contact.aspx
- Updated AboutSite.aspx
- Updated ekhweb.com & ppillc.net so that they can be seperate deployed sites

- Fixed BUG: Image with '.' in filename does not have a large preview image.
- Added Proc: Create procedure GetNextID
@className varchar(1024),
@newID float output

declare @newID float
exec GetNextID 'className', @newID OUTPUT
- Email notification on image upload now only send one notification per batch of images
on the upload screen, rather than an email per image.
- ekhweb.com - Added google analytics script

Posted on January/18/2007 05:28:54 by ehoffmann
Categories: Build Notes