100 Questions every first-time home buyer should ask
A decent educational book for the first time home buyer. I picked up this volume prior to buying my first house.
A Practical Guide to the UNIX System
Advanced .NET Remoting
This was a somewhat dry read for me. The book does go into great depth on showing you how to override various parts of the Remoting framework.
After the Gold Rush
Creating a true profession of software engineering.
Ajax in Action
Crane, Pascarello, James
Applied .NET framework Programming
A great introduction to the .NET framework.
ATL Internals
Rector, Sells
Great book that explains what goes on under the hood in ATL. A must have!
Beginning MFC COM Programming
A good book. Complements chapters in MFC Internals... But if you're going to write COM components, do it in ATL/WTL.
Beginning MFC COM Programming
Julian Templeman
Building Java Enterprise Applications - Volume 1: Architecture
C++ IOStreams Handbook
The nuts and bolts of iostreams. A dry read, but worth it.
Concepts of Programming Languages
Good college text on programming languages/interpreters/compilers.
Creating a Software Engineering Culture
Karl E. Wiegers
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis
Good introduction
Design Patterns
Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides
Should be on every programmers bookshelf.
Designing Applications with MSMQ
Developing Applicaions with Visual Studio .net
A great introduction to the .NET framework. Includes good coverage of using VisualStudio.NET.
Developing ASP.NET Server Controls and Components
Kothari & Datye
Digital Color Management - Encoding Solutions
Edward Giorgianni, Thomas Madden
Doing Objects in Visual Basic 6
Deborah Kurata
Dynamic HTML - The definitive reference (2nd edition)
Danny Goodman
A 1000+ page reference manual on all things CSS/DHMTL/JavaScript. EXCELLENT REFERENCE.
Effective COM
Box, Brown, Ewald, Sells
Excellent book. Gives many pointers on effective COM programing.
Enterprise JavaBeans
Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft.NET
Essential .NET - Volume 1
Box, Sells
The first couple of chapters are excellent 'history' material explaining why/how the Windows world came from it's humble beginnings, developed a case of 'COM', then has moved into .NET.
Essential COM
Don Box
Excellent book on COM by one of the industries recognized gurus.
Extreme Programming Explained
Fundamentals of Database Systems
Getting Started in Annuities
Guide to Successful Investing
Money Maker
Covers the bases where the average investor is likely to tread.
Handbook of Image Processing Operators
Klette, Zamperoni
Heads you win, tails you win
Hearding Cats: A Primer for Programmers Who Lead Programmers
How to Buy & Manage Rental Properties
One of the best books on residential income property management I have read thus far!
How to Program C++
How To Retire Rich
Primarily pushes stock strategies - the author's company's stock strategies. Interesting read, till you realize he his just trying to get you to call his business.
Idiot's Guide to Finance and Accounting
I bought this book for a basic introduction to the world of accounting.
Inside COM
Excellent book for new comers to the world of COM. Gives a raw level up perspective which is invaluable, even if you rarely have to go to that level.
Inside Windows NT
Hellen Custer
Excellent book covering the internal architecture of Windows NT. A new version is available..
Introduction to ActiveX/OLE
Intro for new programmers/managers. Useful for an overview.
Investing For Dummies
Java Examples In a Nutshell
Java In a nutshell ( 1.1 )
JavaScript 1.2 in a Nutshell
Javascript The definitive Guide
JavaServer Pages (JSP 1.2, JSTL 1.0)
Introduction to JavaServer Pages and the Java Standard Tag Library
Kipplinger's Making Money in Real Estate
Large-Scale C++ Software Design
Learning Perl - Third Edition
Schwartx & Phoenix
I'm still learning...
MFC Internals
If you use MFC, you should have this book!
Modern Real Estate Practice
Galaty, Allaway, Kyle
Text Book. In depth (but textbook DRY) coverage of real estate law, concepts. This was one of Jessica's text books from a class she took.
Multitask Windows NT
Joel Powell
Not recommended.. Poorly orgainized.
Network Programming in Windows NT
Network Security
Kaufman, Perlman, Speciner
Object-Oriented Analysis And Design (with Aplications ) - 2nd Edition.
Grady Booch
OpenGL Programming Guide - Third Edition
Operating Systems Concepts
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
Martin Fowler
Peter Nortons Guide to VB4 for Win95
Pragmatic Programmer
Another every developer should have.
Principles of Transaction Processing.
Professional DCOM
A good coverage of COM and DCOM. More detail required.
Professional NT Services
Decent book
Programming ASP.NET
Liberty, Hurwitz
Good introduction to the ASP.NET framework (page model, process/thread model, server controls, custom controls, caching, security)
Programming ASP.NET 2.0 Applications - Advanced Topics
Dino Espinito
Programming ASP.NET 2.0 Core Reference
Dino Espinito
Programming Jakarta Struts
Coverage of the Struts MVC( Model-View-Controller) framework for developing java web applications.
Programming Windows Security
Keith Brown
Covers windows security, kerberos, traditional RPC, DCOM security, as well as the COM+ model.
Readings on Microsoft Windows and WOSA
Microsoft Press
Real Estate Finance & Investment Manual
This book includes hundreds of strategies, tips, and hints to help anyone finance any deal in the market.
Real World XML Web Services
Gives a detailed examination of the actual 'packets on the wire'. Really pounds into your head that yes, all your messages are XML and you need to understand the format.
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Motivational reading in investing. Opens your eyes to what you SHOULD be doing - but does not give much detail.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Robert T. Kiyosaki
Motivational reading in investing. Opens your eyes to what you SHOULD be doing - but does not give much detail.
Software Project Survival Guide
Steve McConnell
The C++ Programming Language ( special edition )
The updated reference.
The Get Rich Investment Guide
Money Maker
The Java Programming Language ( 2nd edition )
Arnold Gosling
The Millionare Next Door
Motivational book telling of how everyday average people get rich - DON'T SPEND EVERYTHING YOU MAKE & ACTUALLY INVEST YOUR CASH. (Duh)
The Mythical Man Month
A Software Engineering classic - a must read.
Understanding the professional programmer
Gerald M. Weinberg
One of the excellent books from Gerald M. Weinberg
Using Visual C++4.2 Special Edition
VB 4.0 Enterprise Development
client/server how to.
Visual C++5 ActiveX COM Control Programming
A reasonable reference.
Warren Buffett: Master of the market
Jay Steele
Average light reading on the story of Warren Buffet.
Windows Forms 2.0 Programming
Writing Solid Code
Steve Maguire